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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Frequently asked questions

Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions. We are constantly adding to this page with questions that are submitted to us.

Semester enrollment for HS22

I just want to continue my current major and minor programs. How do I need to enroll in HS22?

You do not need to select a program but will be automatically enrolled in the new appropriate programs upon payment of semester fees.

I would like to change my major or minor program in HS22. How do I know which is a new program?

In any case, only the new study programs are available for you to choose from. You can choose from these.

According to the transitional regulations, I can graduate according to the old curriculum. How do I have to enroll now during the semester enrollment?

The semester enrollment for all our students from HS22 onwards, is one of the RVO22 programs. However, according to the transitional regulations, you may still be able to continue studying according to the curriculum from RVO16. The information in the transitional regulations (for Bachelor, Master and Minor students) is decisive here.

I am majoring in an informatics program that is being discontinued, my minor program still exists. How should I proceed with semester enrollment?

You do not need to make a program selection but will be automatically enrolled in your previous major program and the new corresponding minor program upon payment of semester fees.

I am studying in an informatics minor program that is being discontinued, but my major pro-gram still exists. How should I proceed with semester enrollment?

You do not need to make a program selection but will be automatically enrolled in the new appropriate major program and in your current minor program upon payment of semester fees.

I am studying in an informatics program that is being discontinued. Until when can I still complete this?

You can still finish the discontinuing informatics program until the end of FS24 and graduate with a semester reference to FS24. From HS24 onwards, graduation is only possible in the continuing programs.

New study structure, new or different compulsory modules

My program now has fewer compulsory modules. What does that mean for me?

As a rule, the previous «old» compulsory module can still be credited towards the degree. You will find more detailed information on this in the individual instructions.

In my program I used to be able to choose from the compulsory modules, now I can't. What does this mean for me?

As a rule, an «old» compulsory module already completed from the previous selection can still be credited as a compulsory module. You will find more detailed information on this in the individual instructions.

In the new SO22, the module "Managerial Accounting" is no longer a compulsory module (in the minor business administration). Does the module now no longer have to be booked in FS22?

If you will graduate by FS22, it is still required. As soon as a degree with reference to HS22 is planned, the module no longer needs to be completed for the minor business administration.

Do the fundamentals of the transitional regulations in informatics per HS21 still apply in HS22 if the entire curriculum changes again?

Yes, the fundamentals of the transitional regulations in informatics per HS21 still apply; in addition to the SO changes in HS22.

Waiver of failed attempts and repetition opportunities

Will the failed attempts taken prior to HS22 be removed from the student portal and therefore no longer be on the Transcript of Records?

No, all past achievements will remain and will continue to be listed on the Transcript of Records, including failed attempts. Failed attempts taken prior to HS22 that are waived under the transitional regulations are simply no longer relevant, i.e., no longer subject to exclusion. 

Is a failed attempt for the final thesis (Bachelor's or Master's thesis) also waived if it was taken before HS22?

No, a failed attempt for the final thesis (Bachelor's or Master's thesis) remains valid in any case. A failed thesis may be retaken once.

Why aren't the failed attempts of the assessment level also deleted?

Due to the two-year time limit for the assessment level, any failed assessment module must still be passed in the retake year.

Why aren't the failed attempts of the additional requirement modules also deleted?

Due to the two-year time limit for the additional requirement modules, the missing ECTS credits from the additional requirements must still be passed in the retake year.

Module changes and transfer of credits

The core elective areas have new coeds. Which old and new codes correlate?

Here you can see the corresponding designation of the affected elective areas:

  • INF 1 = INF IS
  • INF 2 = INF SOSY
  • INF 3 = INF POC
  • INF 5 = INF DS
  • INF 6 = INF AI

Final theses for informatics students

I have already completed my informatics thesis, but it is not in the area of my major study program. Is this a problem?

No. For all students who begin their thesis by July 31, 2022 (as the start date), the thesis may be completed in another informatics major area, as before.

However, those who begin their thesis on or after August 1, 2022 (as a start date) will then be required to complete it in the area of the major program of study.

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