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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

International Network


This page provides an overview of our extensive partner network with international universities and faculties where our students can spend an exchange semester.

Our Faculty works with partner schools around the world to create opportunities for students to gain international experience, advance our research, and enhance our curriculum. 

The map provides an overview of all available partner universities. Below the map you will find an overview of faculty-specific partner offerings (places exclusively for students of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics). Details on all exchange places (for bachelor or master level etc.) can be found on the Mobility Online platform.

Please note:
Banking & Finance and Management & Economics students can apply to all Business (BWL) or Economics (ECON) partner universities.

For students who are interested in an exchange semester at EM Normandie Business School in the academic year 2025/2026, we would like to inform you about the possibility of a scholarship. Further information on scholarships can be found  here.

Overview of faculty-specific partner offerings (SEMP and Faculty Agreements)

Country City University BWL ECON INF Bachelor / Master Agreement
Argentina Buenos Aires University of Buenos Aires X X   BA, MA Faculty Agreement
Vienna Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien X X   BA, MA SEMP
Austria Vienna Universität Wien X X X BA, MA SEMP
Belgium Antwerpen University of Antwerp X X   BA, MA SEMP
Belgium Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven X X   BA, MA SEMP
Brasil Sao Paulo Universidade de Sao Paulo(Campus Ribeirão Preto) X X   BA, MA Faculty Agreement
Canada Kingston Queen's University X X   BA, MA Faculty Agreement
Canada Victoria University of Victoria X X   BA Faculty Agreement
China Shanghai Fudan University X X   BA (only ECON), MA Faculty Agreement
China Hong Kong Hong Kong Polytechnic University X X   BA Faculty Agreement
China Shanghai Jiaotong University X X   MA Faculty Agreement
China Beijing Peking University X X   BA, MA Faculty Agreement
China Beijing Renmin University of China X X   BA, MA Faculty Agreement
China Beijing Tsinghua University X X   BA, MA Faculty Agreement
Colombia Bogota

University of the Andes

    X BA, MA IS:link
Croatia Zagreb University of Zagreb X X X BA, MA SEMP
Czech Republic Ostrava University of Ostrava     X BA, MA IS:link
Czech Republic Prague Charles University X X X BA, MA SEMP
Denmark Kopenhagen Københavns Universitet    X   BA, MA SEMP
Denmark Frederiksberg København Handelshøjskolen X X   BA, MA SEMP
Denmark Odense Syddansk Universitet X X   BA, MA SEMP
Finland Espoo Aalto-Yliopisto X X   BA, MA SEMP
Finland Turku Åbo Akademi University X X X BA, MA SEMP
Finland Helsinki Hanken Svenska Handelshögskolan X X   BA, MA SEMP
France Angers ESEO Institute of Science and Technology     X BA, MA IS:link
France Cergy-Pointoise ESSEC MBA X X   BA SEMP
France Le Havre École de management de Normandie X X   BA, MA SEMP
France Lille EDHEC Business School X     MA SEMP
France Lyon Universite Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 X X   BA, MA SEMP

Paris (MA)
Reims (BA)

Institut d'études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) X X   BA, MA SEMP
France Paris Université Paris-Saclay X X   BA, MA SEMP
France Rennes ESC Rennes School of Business X X   BA, MA SEMP
Germany Berlin Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin X X   BA, MA SEMP
Germany Cologne Universität zu Köln X X X BA, MA SEMP
Germany Darmstadt Technische Universität Darmstadt     X BA, MA SEMP
Germany Frankfurt Johann Wolfgang Göthe-Universität X X   BA, MA SEMP
Germany Karlsruhe Universität Karlsruhe (TH)     X BA, MA SEMP
Germany Mannheim Universität Mannheim X X   BA, MA SEMP
Germany Munich Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München X X   BA, MA SEMP
Germany Munich Technische Universität München X X X BA, MA SEMP
Germany Münster Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster X X   BA, MA SEMP
India Kochi SCMS Business School     X BA, MA IS:link
Ireland Limerick University of Limerick X X   BA SEMP
Italy Bozen Libera Università di Bolzano     X BA, MA SEMP
Italy Firenze Università degli Studi di Firenze X X   BA, MA SEMP
Italy Milano Università degli Studi di Milano     X BA, MA SEMP
Italy Milano Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi X X   BA, MA SEMP
Italy Perugia Università degli Studi di Perugia X X   BA, MA SEMP
Italy Rome Luiss University X X X BA, MA SEMP
Italy Salerno Università degli Studi di Salerno     X BA, MA SEMP
Italy Venezia Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia X X   BA, MA SEMP
Liechtenstein Vaduz

University of Liechtenstein

    X BA, MA IS:link
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur University of Malaysia Pahang     X BA, MA IS:link
Netherlands Enschede University of Twente     X BA, MA IS:link
Netherlands Groningen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen X X   BA, MA SEMP
Netherlands Nijmegen Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen X X   BA, MA SEMP
Netherlands Rotterdam Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam   X   BA, MA SEMP
Norway Oslo Handelshøyskolen BI X X   BA, MA SEMP
Portugal Lisbon NOVA University of Lisbon X X   BA SEMP
Portugal Lisbon University of Lisbon X X X BA, MA SEMP
Sweden Göteburg University of Gothenburg X X   BA, MA SEMP
Sweden Linköping Linköping University X     BA, MA SEMP
Sweden Lund Lund University X X X BA, 
MA (only Econ)
Sweden Örebro Örebro University X X X BA, MA SEMP
Sweden Stockholm Stockholm University X     BA, MA SEMP
Sweden Umea Umeå University X X   BA, MA SEMP
Sweden Uppsala Uppsala University X X X BA, MA SEMP
Singapore Singapur Singapore Management University X X X BA Faculty Agreement
Slovenia Ljubljana University of Ljubljana X X   BA, MA SEMP
Spain Barcelona Pompeu Fabra University X X   BA SEMP
Spain Barcelona International University of Catalonia X X   BA SEMP
Spain Madrid Autonomous University of Madrid X X   BA, MA SEMP
Spain Madrid King Juan Carlos University X X X BA SEMP
Spain Saragossa University of Zaragoza     X MA SEMP
South Korea Seoul

Chung-Ang University

    X BA IS:link
South Korea Seoul Korea University Business School X X X BA Faculty Agreement
Thailand Bangkok Chulalongkorn University X X   BA Faculty Agreement
UK Lincoln University of Lincoln X X   BA SEMP
UK London Queen Mary University of London   X   BA SEMP


Seattle University of Washington (HS25/FS26 no exchange possible) X X   MA Faculty Agreement

Weiterführende Informationen

Sandra Bachmann


Christina Looser
Project Manager International Relations and Accreditation
Dean's Office

UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme

More about UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme

The UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme supports UZH faculties, departments and units in pursuing activities that strengthen the impact of the global UZH network and that help implementing the UZH Global Strategy.