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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics


Housing Student organizations Cultural life in Zurich

UZH does not provide housing, but a few organizations offer help in finding an apartment.


Information on the Student Council, student associations and further student organizations can be found here.

Student organizations

"Züritipp" gives you a complete overview of cultural highlights – from exhibitions to film schedules and theater performances.


Libraries / Study spaces ASVZ Eating out in Zurich

Here you will find a list of libraries at the University of Zurich and an associated range of study spaces.

Libraries / Study spaces

The Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ) offers a wide selection of sports activities.


The following link will give you a good overview of Zurich's culinary temptations.

Eating out in Zurich
Insurance Language Center Nightlife in Zurich

This page gives you an overview of the compulsory health insurance and the liability insurance in Switzerland.


A wide selection of language learning tools is provided by the UZH and ETH Zurich Language Center.

Language Center

With a high concentration of clubs, Zurich offers a wide-ranging nightlife scene.

Living expenses UZH IT Services Newspapers

Here you will find a rough estimate of the approximate living expenses during a stay in Switzerland.


UZH IT Services offer a wide range of information, software solutions and support.

IT Services

The "Neue Zürcher Zeitung" and the "Tagesanzeiger" are two of Zurich's major daily newspapers.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung Tagesanzeiger