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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Sustainable Finance

The minor study program Sustainable Finance provides you with an in-depth insight into the role that financial markets play in addressing global sustainability issues. 

Sustainable Finance is defined as the integration of non-financial criteria such as environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into long-term financial decision-making. These factors also include systemic financial market risks. The importance of these criteria is increasingly recognized in Switzerland and internationally. The minor study program combines courses on Sustainable Finance in banking and finance with relevant courses from related disciplines and faculties, thus enabling a sound interdisciplinary understanding and useful multidisciplinary skills.

Through the diverse range of courses, you will learn how sustainability considerations affect the financing and strategy of companies, investors, and financial institutions. You will study how financial markets and their economic policy and regulatory frameworks interact with the sustainability strategies of diverse stakeholders. The study program will enable you to systematically incorporate sustainability considerations into diverse roles in banking and finance or research to develop financial solutions to global sustainability issues. Choosing the new minor program ensures you a well founded specialization in the young field of Sustainable Finance.

Career prospects

The specialization in the minor study program Sustainable Finance offers excellent preparations for a career entry position in banking and finance, where sustainability criteria are becoming increasingly relevant, with local and international companies from a wide range of industries.


Sustainable Finance is available as:

Minor program (30 ECTS credits)

Can be combined with the following major programs:

Business and Economics
Banking and Finance
Business Administration
Management and Economics

Weiterführende Informationen

How to proceed?

You plan to pursue a Master's program at our Faculty. Information on the next steps you need to take is available here.

Application and admission: For assuming studies at our Faculty, you first need to apply to the University of Zurich.
Application and admission

Admission based on academic background: If you have a Bachelor's degree from another higher education institution, get informed about the categorization process.
Admission to the Master's program

Changing program: Being a student at our Faculty, you have come to the conclusion that another study program might fit your interests even better.
Changing program

Regulations: You will find everything you need to know about your studies in the regulations.

Questions on your program of studies: You are pursuing studies at our Faculty and have specific questions? Our academic advisors or the Dean's Office are ready to help you.