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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Methodological Foundations


The outstanding research of our Faculty is based on innovative approaches and most up-to-date methods. New and groundbreaking ways of facing the changing economic environment are embraced and fostered, supported by new technical approaches and a keen understanding of our responsibility.

Behavioral, Experimental and Neuroeconomics

This excellence topic studies the effects of social, cognitive, emotional and neural factors on economic decisions by individuals, firms and institutions.


Big Data Analytics for Economics and the Sciences

Organizations, industry and science increasingly rely on decisions based on exact, large-scale and time-sensitive data whose massive amounts require both new technical approaches in quantitative and qualitative analytics as well as new processing skills.


Empirical Methods in Economic Research and Policy Analysis

One focus is on the development of methods for estimating causal relationships based both on structural and experimentalist approaches, another on non-linear and dynamic models.


Responsibility in Finance, Economics, Management and Information Technology

This excellence topic identifies a clear responsibility for the academic profession vis-à-vis other areas of society in which it is embedded. Academia has an obligation to act responsibly in society, but also specifically toward students and taxpayers.

