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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Governing Markets and Institutions


Markets are one of the key institutions in the economic sphere. Specific ones such as electronic markets, emerging markets, financial or labor markets are of particular interest within this research cluster.

Crucial questions are: do they function well? If not, what are influencing factors? The quest of an appropriate institutional setting, e.g. in executive compensation, in competition policy or in the nature of liquidity regulations, is central to many of the excellence topics.

Accounting, Auditing and Governance

Accounting, auditing and governance are among the central topics of modern business life and at the same time among the areas with the fastest growth of worldwide regulatory activities.


Asset Management

As economies grow they accumulate wealth that is held in real or financial assets. The role of financial markets is to price these assets in a way that provides incentives to create more of those real assets that the economy needs most.


Banking, Liquidity and Financial Regulation

In the recent financial crisis, public authorities could not rely on models of financial stability for their regulatory interventions. Our mission is to develop research and advanced teaching on financial stability.


Competition and Regulation

Regulatory policies aim at improving the functioning of imperfectly competitive markets (such as financial markets and utilities) and institutions (e.g. banks) or at achieving wider objectives (environmental goals, health standards).


Computing and Economics

Economic platforms, such as electronic markets, crowdsourcing markets, or social networks represent a field where a cooperation between computer scientists and economists leads to lots of synergies.


Corporate Finance

Corporate finance is the study of firm’s financing decisions and the interaction of these decisions with their investments.


Development, Innovation and Emerging Markets

Economic development has brought about a vast reduction in global poverty, while at the same time, it is raising severe concerns about non-renewable resources and the environmental sustainability.


Financial Markets, Labor Markets and the Macro-Economy

The financial crisis of 2008 and the onset of the ‘Great Recession’ have lead researchers to explore the connection between prices and liquidity in financial markets and the real economy.

