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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics



Marketing can be seen simplified as ensuring that customers’ needs are met whilst maximizing firm profits. Marketing operates in a complex and dynamic marketplace environment. Those environmental forces influence strategic and operational decision-making processes by marketers.

Driven by the emergence of large datasets, the increasing computational power and the availability of new methods, the quantitative marketing paradigm has prevailed within the last decade.

Quantitative marketing research develops tools and strategies to support marketing managers in their decisions. Business and “Big Data” analytics have produced one of the most important advances in business and economics over the past decade leading to fundamental changes in how organizations and consumers operate. Within this area, we focus on social networks, social media, customer relationship management, online marketing (such as online brand communities) and social dynamics.

Research Projects

Exemplary project: The Impact of Customer Community Participation on Customer Behaviors (R. Algesheimer)

Many firms increasingly offer community venues to their customers, such as blogs, fora, social media pages or even clubs in real life in order to facilitate social interactions amongst them. Data employed from our year-long field experiment on an auction platform reveal that a simple email invitation significantly increased customer participation in the firm’s community. Results also showed that community participation had mixed effects on customers’ likelihoods of participating in buying and selling behaviors. Community participation did not translate into increased behaviors overall as would be commonly expected. While there is no impact of participation on the number of bids placed or the revenue earned, there is a negative impact of participation on the number of listings and the amount spent. Together, these results suggest that the community participants become more selective and efficient sellers and also become more conservative in their spending on the items they bid for.

Selected research projects

Connections to courses

Marketing draws on theories, methods and insights from various scientific disciplines – such as economics, computer science, psychology, sociology, computational physics or bio statistics – and applies them to recent marketing problems. It therefore addresses students who are interested in a truly interdisciplinary and applied research approach.

Marketing plays a key role in almost every industry. Marketing managers’ responsibilities include monitoring and analyzing market trends, monitoring competition, identifying customers’ needs and target markets, developing strategies to communicate with them, creating new products and services, and brand development. For students who focus on this area, there is a wide range of excellent employment opportunities with private firms, public organizations and NGOs.

The goal of our courses is to provide students a sound introduction into recent developments, theories and methods in marketing research with a focus on quantitative methods. The following list provides examples of courses particularly related to Marketing.

List of courses

More detailed information on each module can be found by copying the 8-digit code into the search field of the University’s course catalogue.

Course catalogue

Bachelor's level

Marketing Management I BOEC0231
Marketing Management II BOEC0313
Introduction to Data-Driven Marketing BOEC0320
Introductory Econometrics BOEC0004
Business Network Analysis & Applications MINF4533
Internet Economics BINFS138
Advanced Topics in Economics and Computation BINFS145
Collective Intelligence, Human Computation, and Crowdsourcing BINFS142
Marketing and Social Networks BOEC0326
Management in China BOEC0054
Presentation Design BOEC0287
Idea Design BOEC0127
A primer to Entrepreneurship BOEC0275
Opportunities in Entrepreneurship BOEC0123

Master's level

Dienstleistungsmarketing MOEC0340
Market Research: Multivariate Methods MOEC0151
Advanced Modeling Techniques MOEC0330
Social Customer Relationship Management MOEC0347
Business Network Analysis & Applications MINF4533
Marketing and Social Networks II MOEC0387
Big-Data Analytics MINF4538
Econometrics for Research Students Part II MOEC0169
Internet Economics MINFS538
Empirical Methods, Part 2 (Experimental Economics) MOEC0205
Advanced Topics in Economics and Computation MINFS545
The Practice of Entrepreneurship MOEC0117
The Economics of Innovation MOEC0211
The Empirical Economics of Innovation and Patenting MOEC0166
Digital Marketing MOEC0584
Brand Management in the Digital Age MOEC0575

Faculty members involved

The following Faculty members research and/or teach in Marketing.

Department of Business Administration (IBW)

Prof. Dr. René Algesheimer (main contact for topic)
Prof. Dr. Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kaiser
Prof. Dr. Martin Natter
Prof. Dr. Anne Scherer
Prof. Dr. Claudio Tessone

Department of Economics (IVW)

Prof. Dr. Björn Bartling
Prof. Dr. Ernst Fehr
Prof. Dr. Roberto Weber
Prof. Dr. Rainer Winkelmann

Department of Informatics (IFI)

Prof. Dr. Sven Seuken