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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Master's Admission in Informatics

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics observes an open, quality-focused admissions policy based on the admissions regulations of UZH as well as its own regulations and practices. The information below gives you an indication of which categorization to expect.

Graduate Record Examination

The submission of a GRE score is mandatory for all applicants from an university outside the European Union / EFTA and the United Kingdom.
Applicants with a Bachelor's degree from a Swiss university, from universities of the European Union / EFTA and the United Kingdom do not need to submit a GRE.

Please use the following code to submit GRE scores:
GRE:     institution code 7136

In addition to the older version, you can also submit the new GRE.
Please note, however, that the Score Reports from the GRE General Test at home will not be accepted.

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

Language regarding additional requirements and conditions

Bachelor modules which are part of requirements and conditions are often held in German. At the Department of Informatics however it is possible to complete the exams in English.

However, for modules offered from other departments or faculties this does not apply. Especially the requirements and conditions for the Master’s program in Information Systems are mainly in German.

Prior university education in informatics

Bachelor's degree from a Swiss university

Holders of a Bachelor's degree from a Swiss university will be categorized into the Master's program in the same specialization as their Bachelor's degree without additional conditions (although additional requirements may apply).

Bachelor's degrees from universities in accordance with the Lisbon Convention

The same requirements apply as for graduates of Swiss universities. The categorization is based on an evaluation of the curriculum of the program of studies completed. If the curriculum deviates in subject-specific areas, additional requirements or conditions (typically 30 - 60 ECTS credits) must be completed. Applicants may be categorized into the Bachelor's program.

Other degrees

If the curriculum deviates in subject-specific areas, additional requirements or conditions (typically 60 ECTS Credits) must be completed. If the subjects-specific deviations are comprehensive applicants are categorized into the Bachelor’s degree program.


Degree in informatics from a university of applied sciences

The decision is based on an evaluation of the curriculum of the study program completed. The applicants are assigned to the Master's level with additional requirements of 30 - 60 ECTS credits.

Attention: Please note that graduates of a university of applied sciences must have earned an overall grade of 5 in a Bachelor's program in order to study at the Master's level at UZH.


Bachelor's minor degree in informatics

Graduates with a minor degree in a specialization in informatics may apply for the Master's program majoring in the same specialization. Applicants are admitted with additional requirements of up to 60 ECTS credits.

Prior studies in other fields

An effort is also made to admit applicants with a university degree from other fields, provided they have sufficient basic knowledge in the areas of specialization.


Weiterführende Informationen


Stefania Muscella
Master's Admission
Dean's Office

FAQ Master's Admission

On this page you will find frequently asked questions about the master's admission.

Explanatory Leaflets Informatics

The explanatory leaflets for studying Informatics can be found on the following website of the Department of Informatics.

Studies and work: Work permit for students from third countries

According to the provisions of the Office for Economy and Labour (Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, AWA) students from third countries may pursue a part-time job or an internship for a maximum of 15 hours per week. Please inform yourself in time about the restrictions on the work permit.