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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Irrevocable exclusion and ban from studies

Students who do not meet the requirements for the study program will be irrevocably excluded from studies (irrevocable exclusion). This has a major impact (ban) on any other options to study in this program and at our Faculty.

The irrevocable exclusion and subsequent ban of studies are based on these legal foundations:

From theFramework Ordinance (RVO22) (PDF, 182 KB):

  • § 28 Repetition of compulsory modules
  • § 33 Irrevocable exclusion
  • § 34 Ban from studies
  • § 37 Assessment level

From the Program Regulations (SO22) (PDF, 749 KB):

  • Clause 13.1 Exclusion and banning for failing a compulsory module
  • Clause 13.2 Exclusion and banning for failing to meet the assessment deadline
  • Clause 13.3 Additional provision

Other important provisions concerning irrevocable exclusion and ban of studies in the SO22:

  • Clause 2.4 Requirements for the assessment level
  • Clause 3.2.1 Exclusion and banning for failure to complete a compulsory module defined as an additional re-quirement
  • Clause 3.2.2 Exclusion and banning for failure to adhere to the deadline
  • Clause 4.3.3 Number of repetitions permitted 
  • Clause 12.1 Repetition of compulsory modules

Reasons for exclusion

An irrevocable exclusion or a ban from studies shall occur in particular for the following reasons:

  • Definite failure to pass a compulsory module (a compulsory module may be repeated once), regard-less of semester enrollment,
  • Failure to meet deadlines (assessment or additional requirements deadline; transfer to another fac-ulty or withdrawal from the University do not result in deadlines being suspended),
  • Repeated failure to earn a passing grade for the final thesis (Bachelor's and Master's thesis).

The exact provisions can be found in the regulations.


Effective time of irrevocable exclusion

Excerpt from the program regulations, clause 13: Students are irrevocably excluded from studies from the point at which they receive the transcript of records, provided that the requirements for irrevocable exclusion from studies have been met. Students who do not receive the transcript of records because they have withdrawn from the university are still considered irrevocably excluded from studies.

As a rule, students who meet the requirements for an irrevocable exclusion or ban from studies upon receipt of the transcript of records will receive additional separate formal information about the irrevocable exclusion or ban of studies at a later point in time. The irrevocable exclusion or ban of studies will still be effective without such notice, though.


Consequences of irrevocable exclusion / ban

Examples according to the legal bases for continuing studies at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics:

Example 1: You are enrolled in the Bachelor's degree program in informatics and have either failed an assessment module in the repeat year for the second time or have not completed all assessment modules within the assessment deadline: You will receive a irrevocable exclusion in the corresponding Bachelor's major program.

The irrevocable exclusion also results in a ban for all major and minor study programs whose curriculum contains the definitively failed module as a compulsory module, as well as for the corresponding consecutive study programs at all levels (Master's or doctoral level).

Furthermore, admission to any other study program in informatics is no longer possible (major or minor, at Bachelor's, Master's or PhD level).

Furthermore, admission to the Bachelor's degree programs in business and economics is no longer possible. Admission to a Master's or PhD program in business and economics may still be possible under certain circumstances if the admission requirements are met.

Example 2: You have definitely failed a Bachelor’s compulsory module of the advanced level in business and economics: You will receive an irrevocable exclusion in the corresponding Bachelor's major study program.

The irrevocable exclusion also results in a ban for all study programs whose curriculum contains the definitively failed module as a compulsory module, as well as to the corresponding consecutive study programs (Master's or PhD level).

Furthermore, admission to the consecutive study programs at Master's and PhD level is no longer possible. If the definitively failed module was a module from the common compulsory program or the Bachelor's thesis, there will be a ban for all Master's major study programs in business and economics.

Example 3: You have definitely failed a Master’s compulsory module: You will receive an irrevocable exclusion in the corresponding Master's major study program.

The irrevocable exclusion also results in a ban for all study programs whose curriculum contains the definitely failed module as a compulsory module.

Furthermore, admission to the corresponding PhD program is no longer possible.

Example 4: You have not passed an additional requirements module by the end of the additional requirements deadline: You will receive an irrevocable exclusion in the corresponding Master's major program.

The irrevocable exclusion also results in a ban for all study programs whose curriculum contains the definitively failed module as a compulsory module, as well as all study levels for the study program in question and for all major and minor study programs with the same academic field of study (business and economics or informatics) and for all consecutive study programs.

In addition, admission to the corresponding PhD program is no longer possible.

Example 5: You are only enrolled in a minor at our faculty (major at another faculty) and have definitely failed a compulsory module. You will receive an irrevocable exclusion in the corresponding minor study program.

The irrevocable exclusion also results in a ban for all study programs whose curriculum contains the definitively failed module as a compulsory module, as well as for the corresponding consecutive study programs (Master's or doctoral level).

Example 6: You are not enrolled in any of our study programs and have definitely failed a module of our Faculty: You will receive a ban for all study programs whose curriculum contains the definitely failed module as a compulsory module, as well as for all consecutive study programs.

Continuation of studies at other higher education institutions

Acceptance for continued study at another higher education institution is conditional upon the relevant provisions of the respective higher education institution. The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics of UZH is unable to provide information in this regard. Questions for further studies at another higher education institution should be addressed to the respective institutions.

It is common practice, however, that students excluded from an academic field of study at a higher education institution will not be admitted to the same academic field of study at another higher education institution.

Consequences of irrevocable exclusion / ban

Students who have been irrevocably excluded or banned from studies from another higher education institution may not continue their studies in the same academic field of study at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics.

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