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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Business Administration

Headerbild Betriebswirtschaftslehre

Studying Business Administration gives you the opportunity to dive into the corporate world. How do you run a company and set out a business strategy? How do you manage finances and carry out accounting? How do you motivate employees and create successful ways of promoting a company and its products?

The study program in Business Administration will familiarize you with the core operations that take place within companies, and teach you how they interact with the market and regulatory practices.

You will have a great deal of personal freedom in how you design your course of study, allowing you to focus on individual areas of concentration even at Bachelor's level. What's more, the University of Zurich's excellent international links will give you the opportunity to participate in a variety of exchange programs.

Career prospects and further degree programs

A Bachelor's degree in Business Administration will open wide-ranging job opportunities in diverse industries for you as a business specialist. Among these fields are financial and investment management, controlling, business organization, strategic business management, human resource management and marketing. The basic knowledge gained during this program will also be valuable for students wishing to set up their own business.

By completing a Bachelor's degree, you will also be qualified to undertake further study at Master's level.

Department of Business Administration  

Lucia Rocha

Lúcia Rocha, Student Business Administration

"Studying business administration opens many doors. What I like most - apart from the knowledge I learn here - are the like-minded people I've been able to meet through my studies and the friendships I've been able to make."


Major Minor other

Business Administration is available as:

Major program (150 ECTS credits)

Can be combined with the following minor programs*:

Business and Economics


Banking and Finance Informatics
Business Administration Information Systems
Economics People-Oriented Computing
General Business and Economics  
*It is also possible to pursue minor programs offered by other UZH faculties: Select your degree program of choice in the online course catalogue and get an overview of all minor program combinations.

Minor program (30 ECTS credits)

Can be combined with the following major programs:

Business and Economics Informatics
Banking and Finance Information Systems
Business Administration People-Oriented Computing
Economics Software Systems

Minor program for students from other faculties (30 or 60 ECTS credits)

This minor study program can be combined with a major study program in accordance with the provisions set out in your program.

Weiterführende Informationen

How to proceed?

You plan to pursue a Bachelor's program at our Faculty. Information on the next steps you need to take is available here.

Application and admission: For assuming studies at our Faculty, you first need to apply to the University of Zurich.
Application and admission

Changing program: Being a student at our Faculty, you have come to the conclusion that another study program might fit your interests even better.
Changing program

Regulations: You will find everything you need to know about your studies in the regulations.

Questions on your program of studies: You are pursuing studies at our Faculty and have specific questions? Our academic advisors or the Dean's Office are ready to help you.

Here you will find an overview of a sample timetable for the assessment year.