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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Minor Degree for Students from Other Faculties

Here you will find information about graduation from your minor study program at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics.

First read the information about minor degrees in the relevant regulations (framework ordinance and program regulations).


It is imperative that you be enrolled on the combination of study programs (major and minor) from which you would like to graduate in your final semester. Otherwise, your degree cannot be processed. 

Only credits from modules that have been completed within the last five years may be credited toward the minor degree.

Basic principles applied for processing degrees

The minor degrees are processed according to the following principles:

  • Chronology: In the app, older academic achievements are credited before more recent ones, i.e. the completed modules are taken into account in chronologically ascending order.
  • Excess modules: Based on the chronological crediting, the app automatically determines the excess modules. These are not taken into account in the degree. 
  • Achievements not credited towards the degree: Excess achievements will only be shown on the Academic Record if you assign them appropriately in the "Individual achievements" container.


If you are registered in a Bachelor's or Master's program at another faculty of UZH, you do not have to register separately with us for your minor degree. This registration takes place in the in the app "Study Progress & Graduation" in the context of registering for the major degree according to the rules of the faculty of your major.

Procedure in case of problems

On the right side in the download area, you will find the handbook for your minor study program at our Faculty. This handbook lists the most common technical challenges encountered in your study program due to transitional regulations. Also listed are the appropriate ways to resolve them.

If you are stuck, please contact the Dean's Office at To do so, use the "support form", which you can fill out and attach to the e-mail. After a preliminary analysis, we will get in touch with you by e-mail or with a Zoom appointment suggestion for a joint meeting.

Support form for the "Study Progress & Graduation" app (PDF, 146 KB)

Priority processing of received forms will be given to more advanced students.

Students of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will find further information on the following websites:

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Students of the Faculty of Science will find further information on the following website:

Faculty of Science

Weiterführende Informationen

Further information

Guidelines for using the app “Study Progress & Graduation”

Below you find the corresponding guidelines for the app, which list your exact study program combination and point out the most commonly encountered technical challenges and how to solve them.
(The guidelines are currently only available in German, an English version will follow.)