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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

Graduation Ceremony

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At our graduation ceremonies we honor all Bachelor-, Master- and Doctoral graduates who have successfully completed their degrees. We celebrate your graduation and welcome you as new alumnae and alumnus of the Faculty.

The next graduation ceremony will take place on Saturday, 24 May 2025. All graduates with degree conferal dates from July 2024 onwards will receive a personal invitation in due course.

Registration for the graduation ceremony

Please note the following important notice regarding registration for the graduation ceremony:

Registration for the graduation ceremony will be open from 4 April 2025. On this date, you will receive a personal invitation by email (for you and a maximum of two accompanying persons) with a registration link - this will be sent exclusively to the private email address you have registered when you enrolled for your study program.

Is your private, registered email address no longer valid or are you not sure? Then please fill in the
linked form by 15 March 2025 at the latest, so that you receive the invitation to the graduation ceremony via the correct email address (the corresponding email address must be valid until July
2025): To the form
If the private email address you provided or subsequently registered via the form is no longer up to date on 4 April 2025, the invitation will still be deemed to have been sent.

Late registrations for the graduation ceremony are not possible.
For questions regarding the registration process, please contact:

Highlights of the graduation ceremony 2024

This year's graduation ceremony took place on Saturday, 1 June 2024, with 500 graduates and around 1000 relatives.

To the news article
To the recording of the ceremony
To the picture gallery
To the guest speech of Carolina Müller-Möhl (PDF, 131 KB)

Impact and Engagement Awards 2024

For the third time, the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics honored at its graduation ceremony scholarly work at the Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral levels that contributes science to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and thus has an impact on society, the environment, and the economy. In addition, the Engagement Award were given for special commitment alongside studies and the winner was chosen by the audience.

To the news article 
More on the Impact and Engagement Awards

More information on the SDG Impact Awards

The award for scientific work with impressive impact in the field of SDGs honors theses that take up topics of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and develop foundations or elements for improvement in these areas. One thesis each on Bachelor, Master or PhD level will be awarded. The prizes are endowed with CHF 1,000 each.

The prize for special commitment alongside studies recognizes the achievements of students or doctoral students in business, economics or informatics who distinguish themselves through their commitment or innovative strength alongside their studies.

The prize is awarded once per graduation ceremony and is endowed with CHF 1,000.


  • The thesis was written and submitted between February 2023 and January 2024.
  • The work addresses issues in the area of one or more SDGs.
  • The work includes analysis, approaches, measures, models, algorithms, or similar elements that support the implementation of one or more SDGs.
  • The lmpact on practice and/or society is addressed directly or indirectly.
  • The paper demonstrates high scientific quality and has been graded at least 5 or higher.
  • The work has never been nominated for the corresponding award


The nomination is made by the supervising professor. All professors of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics have received an information letter. Are you a graduate and would like to have your thesis nominated? Then please contact your supervising professor.

Nominations for the SDG Impact Awards 2025 will be open from December 2024 on.

Welcome to our alumni community

We are enormously proud of our alumnae and alumnae, so we want to stay in touch with you after you graduate. The most important step for this: Activate your alumni profile so we can contact you in the future.

Activate Alumni Profile (free of charge)

In addition, you can also join one of our alumni member clubs:

UZH Alumni Informatics

Find more information on our alumni community at:

Previous Graduation Ceremony Speeches

Mai 2023, Marco Huwiler (PDF, 120 KB)

Mai 2022, Patrick Warnking (PDF, 115 KB) 

Mai 2021, Jessica Anderen (PDF, 126 KB)

December 2020, Yvonne Isaac-Kesseli (PDF, 404 KB)

December 2019, Julie Fitzgerald Wieland (PDF, 33 KB)

December 2019, Prof. Armin Schmutzler (German only) (PDF, 64 KB)

May 2019, Thomas Oetterli (PDF, 68 KB)

May 2019, Prof. Dr. Anne Scherer (PDF, 60 KB)

December 2018 Eric Krapf (PDF, 290 KB)

December 2018, Prof. Dr. Diethard Klatte (German only) (PDF, 269 KB)

May 2018, Dr. iur. Maya Baumann (PDF, 269 KB)

May 2018, Prof. Dr. Dina Pomeranz (PDF, 462 KB)

December 2017, Prof. Dr. Ottfried Jarren (PDF, 95 KB)

December 2017, Dr. oec. publ. Serge Gaillard (PDF, 86 KB)

May 2017, André Blattmann (PDF, 199 KB)

December 2016, Prof. Dr. Martin Glinz (PDF, 101 KB)

December 2016, Dr. Claudia Cuche-Curti (PDF, 85 KB)

May 2016, Prof. Dr. Michael Ambühl (PDF, 282 KB)

December 2015, Sandro Giuliano (PDF, 81 KB)

December 2015, Prof. Dr. Dr. Josef Falkinger  (PDF, 218 KB)

May 2015, Dr. Hans J. Roth (PDF, 328 KB)

December 2014, Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach (PDF, 55 KB)

May 2014, Ulrich Jakob Looser (PDF, 129 KB)

May 2014, Prof. Dr. Urs Birchler (PDF, 119 KB)

December 2013 Ingrid Deltenre (PDF, 60 KB)

May 2013, Prof. Dr. Conrad Meyer (PDF, 101 KB)

December 2012, Dr. Mark Schindler (PDF, 54 KB)

May 2012, Dr. Dominique von Matt (PDF, 93 KB)

December 2011, Marianne Fassbind (PDF, 140 KB)

Weiterführende Informationen



Cornelia Speckert
Communications and Events
Dean's Office

Impressions of past graduation ceremonies

Would you like to find out more about the graduation ceremonies of recent years? You can find more information here.