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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics



The women's peer mentoring group CareerElixier was founded by fourteen female Doctoral students and post-docs of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics with the aim of motivating participants to pursue careers in academia and to provide mutual support in developing expertise within and beyond their fields of study.

CareerElixier needs you! Become a member, profit from our support, and enhance your chances of pursuing a successful (academic) career. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Leadership Team

Grid containing content elements


  • Silvia Angori, Postdoctoral Researcher, Karolinska Institutet
  • Dr. Alexandra Arnold, Senior research and teaching associate, University of Lucerne
  • Dr. Eva-Maria Aulich, Geschäftsführerin Giessener Graduiertenzentrum Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften (GGS) der Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
  • Dr. Heidi Bodenmann, Organization and Workforce Planning, Generali
  • Dr. Katherine Caves, ETH Zürich, KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle
  • Dr. Donja Darai, Data Scientist at King, London, UK
  • Dr. Catherine Davies, Oberassistentin Historisches Seminar, UZH
  • Dr. Patricia Deflorin, Projektleiterin und Lehrbeauftragte für Entrepreneurial Management, HTW Chur
  • Asst. Prof. Katharina Dittrich, Organisation and Human Resource Management, University of Warwick
  • Dr. Vera Eichenauer, Economist, German Federal Ministry of Finance
  • Dr. Anja Feierabend, Senior research and teaching associate, University of Lucerne
  • Prof. Dr. Diana Festl-Pell, Professor of Finance & Accounting, Karlshochschule International University
  • Dr. Parisa Ghazi, UZH Alumna
  • Prof. Dr. Jamie L. Gloor, Assistant Professor (with Tenure Option), University of St. Gallen
  • Leonie Hentrup, Research Associate and Doctoral Student, UZH
  • Shan Huang, Postdoctoral Researcher, Stockholm School of Economics
  • Prof. Dr. Katrin Hummel, Full Professor of Accounting & Reporting, 
    Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
  • Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe, Assistant Professor in Management, UZH
  • Katharina Jaik, Research Assistant, University of Bern
  • Dr. Irina Koitz, Application Manager – Industrial Applications and Data Analytics, Siemens, Zug
  • Dr. Martina Kolpondinos-Huber, UZH Alumna
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anne Koziolek, Institute für Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
  • Dr. Annette Krauss, Geschäftsführerin Center for Microfinance, Institut für Banking und Finance, UZH
  • Dr. Ute Laun, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Institut für Management und Innovation, Fachbereichsleiterin Accounting and Controlling, Fachbereichsleiterin Banking and Finance, FFHS 
  • Andrea Lenzner, Hiwis Coordinator, ETH
  • Dr. Susanne Mehr, Project Manager, CrossKnowledge
  • Dr. Manuela Morf, Senior research and teaching associate, University of Lucerne
  • Dr. Maria Olivares, Innovation Leader, UZH
  • Chiara Perillo, UZH Alumna
  • Dr. Giulia Poggi, Scientific Researcher, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
  • Dr. Miriam Rinawi, Economist, Swiss National Bank
  • Dr. Patricia Ruffing-Straube, Senior Research and Teaching Assistant, UZH
  • Dr. Lea Rutishauser, Senior research and teaching associate, University of Lucerne
  • Dr. Anna Sender, Associate Director of the Center for HRM, Senior Research Associate and Lecturer, University of Lucerne
  • Dr. Violetta Splitter, Professor of strategic communication, Universität der Künste Berlin
  • Dr. Susanne Suter, Project Manager and Software Engineer, Super Computing Systems
  • Dr. Petra Tipaldi, Senior Researcher, GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Hannah Trittin, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
  • Dr. Anna-Laura Wickström, Associate, Mercer (Switzerland)
  • Dr. Amanda Williams, Senior Researcher in the Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec), ETH

Activities 2024/2025

The peer mentoring group focuses on four main areas in order to meet the challenges that women face in academia, i.e., fostering publications and the acquisition of third-party funds as well as improving teaching activities and the integration of career and family.

When What
Monthly Member Lunch CareerElixir

March 2024

CareerElixir contributes to the Lecture and Panel Discussion "Sense of belonging in the working environment: How diversity research can be transferred into good practice at UZH," organized by the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity
April 2024 Writing retreat
July 2024 Workshop: Preparing for the academic job market (online)
November 2024 Writing retreat

December 2024

End-of-the-year meeting and Christmas dinner

February 2025

Writing retreat

March 2025

Workshop: Voice training

Ongoing Activities:

  • Lunch talks  
  • Mentoring program  
  • CareerElixier Writing Club Online and Onsite 
  • CareerElixier Feedback Circle 


Past activities

Public Panel Discussion 2022: Fast science or slow science - Quo vadis, academia?

On Wednesday, November 23th from 6pm-7.30pm this event addressed questions around the core issue of increasing speed in science. Does it advance science, or does it primarily make scientists sick? How can the disadvantages it creates be dealt with in the short and long term? The goal was to discuss different viewpoints and possible solutions.

Flyer Paneldiscussion (PDF, 454 KB)

Public Panel Event 2021: How to make an impact: Academia vs. business

On Thursday, November 25th from 6pm-7.30pm a panel discussion took place in the University's main building in room KOL-F-104.

Flyer Paneldiscussion (PNG, 1 MB)

Career Elixier Panel 2019: From Research to Action: Working Together for a Sustainable Future

On Wednesday, 16 October, scientists and practitioners discussed at the public panel «From Research to Action: Working Together for a Sustainable Future» how research can be used to improve social and environmental sustainability.

Recap Career Elixier Panel Discussion (PDF, 113 KB)
Further Information and Program (PDF, 172 KB)

Social Media in Science 2018

Social Media in Science


Current and former members of the peer mentoring group CareerElixier have been able to celebrate significant successes during their time in the group. One former member, for instance, has been named junior professor, and various third-party funds as well as scholarships have been acquired. The success of the peer mentoring group is reflected in the following quotes:

"The concept of peer mentoring impressed me so much that I immediately introduced it at the University of Giessen in my role as managing director of the Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law (GGS)." (Dr. Eva-Maria Aulich)

"Without a doubt, I owe a debt of gratitude to this group for their role in my receiving the SNF scholarship to continue my research activities abroad!" (Violetta Splitter)

"I benefited especially from peer feedback on writing the application for my SNF scholarship so that people outside my specialty could understand it." (Susanne Suter)

"The peer mentoring group really helped me to get clear about my own career goals." (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anne Koziolek)

"CareerElixier provided a much-needed supportive community that was invaluable in helping me navigate the ups and downs of an academic career path. Whether organizing a group for feedback on job talks, creating opportunities to learn from more advanced scholars, cultivating time and space to write productively, or providing informal advice over coffee, the activities of the group deeply enriched my time as a postdoc at the University of Zurich and set me up for success in a professorship." (Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe)

"Research shows women need networks of men and women for leadership success—and CareerElixier fulfilled the latter in abundance. This group of inspiring and encouraging female scholars and the diverse programs we assembled annually were invaluable resources during the 7 years that I was a member and CEO during my PhD studies and post-doc at UZH; it undoubtedly facilitated my subjective (e.g., stress and well-being) and objective career success (e.g., SNF PRIMA Grant and professorship)." (Prof. Dr. Jamie Gloor)


We would like to thank the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics for its financial and strategic support of CareerElixir and the Office for Gender Equality of the University of Zurich for strategic guidance throughout the years.