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Wollen Sie Coachingkompetenzen erlernen und dabei Erstsemestrigen den Einstieg in das universitäre Leben erleichtern? Dann bewerben Sie sich bis zum 30. April 2025 als Mentorin oder Mentor.
As of 1 March 2025, Prof. Dina Pomeranz has been promoted to associate professor ad personam of Applied Microeconomics, with a focus on public policies in developing countries at the Department of Economics.
Are you still brooding over which Master's program to go for? The MasterDays on 4 March 2025 provide detailed information about the admission to our Master's programs as well as an overview of the broad range of programs.
As of 1 February 2025, Prof. Anne Ardila Brenøe has been promoted to associate professor of Business Economics, with a focus on Personnel Economics and Economics of (Vocational) Education at the Department of Business Administration.
Dr. Stefania Ionescu has been recognized with the FAN Award in the field of law and economics and Prof. Anikó Hannák received the UZH Mentoring Award.
As of 1 February 2025, Prof. Martin Natter took over as head of the Department of Business Administration from Prof. Egon Franck, who is stepping down after 10 years.
As of 1 February 2025, we warmly welcome Ivan De Oliveira Nunes as tenure-track assistant professor of cybersecurity at the Department of Informatics.
Unsere Fakultät hat eine führende Rolle in drei Bereichen entwickelt: Empowerment von Entscheidungsträgern, digitale Transformation und verantwortungsvolle Entscheidungsfindung. Die aktuelle Oec. Magazin-Ausgabe zeigt eine Handvoll dieser Projekte mit grosser gesellschaftlicher Wirkung.
Möchten Sie demnächst ein Mobilitätssemester absolvieren? Das Bewerbungsfenster für einen Austausch im Herbstsemester 2025 oder im Frühlingssemester 2026 ist ab sofort bis zum 15. Januar 2025 geöffnet.