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Alberto Bacchelli appointed as Associate PaP for Empirical Software Engineering

The Board of the University has appointed Alberto Bacchelli as Associate Professor ad personam for Empirical Software Engineering, starting on 1 October 2020. Congratulations!

Alberto Bacchelli's aim as Associate Professor: «I plan to continue teaching fundamental software courses such as software construction and the newly added course software testing. Last year the course software testing has gained a lot of interest among my students. Research-wise, I will continue with my work on code review – there are still many open research challenges with strong potential for both practical applications and fundamental scientific advancements. I am also planning to widen the scope of my research to software security and fuzz testing, focusing on both basic and applied research.»

Alberto Bacchelli has joined the Department of Informatics in August 2017 as assistant professor. He was awarded a professorship by the Swiss National Science Foundation and established the «Zurich Empirical Software Engineering Team» (ZEST). Prior to joining UZH, he has worked four years as assistant professor at Delft University of Technology (NL).


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Alberto Bacchelli

Prof. Alberto Bacchelli

Alberto Bacchelli is an Associate Professor of Empirical Software Engineering at the Department of Informatics.