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3 questions for Yucheng Yang

Yucheng Yang has been Assistant Professor of Finance at the Department of Banking and Finance since 1 September 2023. In a short interview, he talks about what he wants to achieve in research and teaching.

What do you focus on in your research?

My research interests are at the intersection of macroeconomics, finance, and machine learning. My coauthors and I have developed new machine learning methods to answer quantitative macro and finance questions involving rich heterogeneity, particularly in heterogeneous agent models and search models. Another exciting area of my work involves leveraging AI and large language models to unravel the learning behaviors and heterogeneity in financial markets. 

What would you like to convey to your students? 

Stay open-minded and embrace endurance in your pursuits. 

What were the decisive factors for you to join the University of Zurich? 

Zurich has been a hub for a series of pathbreaking work at the intersection of machine learning and macro/finance, which aligns perfectly with my research interests. I’m very excited and proud to be part of the 'Zurich school', given its remarkable historical legacy and promising future. Also, we have a vibrant and supportive research environment, which is particularly beneficial for junior faculty who want to pursue an ambitious research agenda.


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Yucheng Yang

Prof. Yucheng Yang

Assistant Professor of Finance at the Department of Banking and Finance.